require proof

美 [rɪˈkwaɪər pruːf]英 [rɪˈkwaɪə(r) pruːf]
  • 要求证据
require proofrequire proof
  1. We shall require proof ( s ) of that statement .


  2. Schools rely on parents to report their income but generally don 't require proof .


  3. This is too evident to require proof .


  4. We will require proof of identity of both the original and substituted passenger to ensure authenticity of the request .


  5. Successful libel suits require proof of publisher fault , even if a plaintiff proves the challenged statement false .


  6. In addition , a reputable certificate authority will require proof of the requestor 's identity before issuing a certificate .


  7. Indeed , the fact that a patent application is the breeding ground of an unjust enrichment claim , does not require proof of a patent benefit .


  8. This broadens the concept of liability in environmental torts , in that it does not require proof of any subjective fault of the polluter .


  9. For those who require proof , Chan posted a photo of himself dated March 29 on his Web site showing him meeting with top Japanese officials .


  10. It 's too evident to require any proof .


  11. But if the product is a device , FDA has no authority to require premarketing proof of safety or effectiveness .


  12. I require the proof of a pre-engagement .


  13. Third , it involves a large amount of actual practice and research . Theory is developed to serve the practice and require the proof of practice . This article takes the calibration and measurement uncertainty study of DC Digital Voltage Meter as the research object .


  14. The best SSL can do on this front is to require client certificates as proof of identity when establishing the connection between the client and server .
